Short and long-term hire of props
Artwork, military props, furniture,
ornaments and vending machines

Real Deal Props offers professional prop delivery for films, TV and events
Real Deal Props offer an eclectic mix of props, available for short and long-term hire – or if you prefer, to buy. Our unique and diverse collection of props are guaranteed to add that finishing touch to any film set, photo shoot or special event.
As well as our unrivalled customer service, our unique collection is what sets us apart from our competitors. Our pieces are now featuring in an increasing number of films, television shows and productions.
We pride ourselves in offering excellent value to both new and existing clients and going above and beyond to find props suitable for whatever production you are putting on. Call us today on 07540723494 with your prop requirements, even if it isn’t listed on our website.
Hire out as props for movies, TV, theatre and film shoots - we already rent out for Netfix!
Rent for weekend events, conferences and festivals
What we offer
Our range of props include artwork; military; vending machines; furniture; ornaments; lighting; decorative glass mirrors; antique scales; antique clocks; coffee machines; uniforms; vintage radios; desks; a yacht! The list goes on…..

Call us today on 07540723494
or email:
Please send any questions you need to know.